
Showing posts with the label Interview

Software design interview question

  Microservice design patterns. Singleton design pattern in Golang.

Golang Interview Questions

What is the new function? What is vendor in the go module? Write a producer-consumer program using goroutine. Write a two routine: even and old. The even goroutine should only print even numbers and the odd goroutine will only print odd numbers. The max number will be given as an input parameter. What is the closure function in Golang? How to create it? How to access the shared variable in Golang when multiple goroutines are trying to access it? How to handle race condition? What is the difference between Golang's concurrency with other languages? What is the difference between concurrency and parellism? Which one Golang uses and how? How Golang concurrency is fast.

Hibernate Interview Questions

Explain table mappings (Many To Many, One to Many, Many to One) in Hibernate. Explain internal and external cache in Hibernate. How to configure external cache in Hibernate? What is difference between saveOrUpdate() and merge() methods in Hibernate? What is difference between save() and persist() methods in Hibernate? What are the core interfaces in Hibernate?

Spring Interview Questions

What is Autowiring? What is difference between  BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in Spring? What are the different Implementation of ApplicationContext? What is IoC? What is IoC container in Spring? How to change name of xml file in Spring-MVC? Explain the process of creating controller in Spring. How to configure error messages in web application using Spring? What are the types of controllers in Spring? What are scopes of bean in Spring? What is @Transaction in Spring? What are the attributes of this annotation? Explain all type of propagation in Spring. How transaction work in Spring? Explain types of views in Spring? What is cyclic bean dependency in Spring? how to resolve this? What is Spring bean life cycle What are the scopes of spring bean Difference between setter and constructor injection in Spring? When to use what type of injection

Thread interview questions

What is difference between Runnable and Thread? What is the best way to create thread? What is difference between Thread and Process? Explain sleep, yield and join methods of Thread class. Why wait, notify and notifyAll methods are defined in Object class but not in Thread class? Implement Producer and Consumer problem using wait and notify method. Is it possible to call run method explicitly? Please explain. Is it possible to overload run method? How two threads communicate? What is difference between concurrency and synchronization ? What is thread stacks? What is call stack? What is Daemon thread? How start() method work in Java? What is difference between wait() and sleep() in java.

Java Interview Questions

What is difference between Hashtable and HashMap classes in Java ? What is CuncurrentMap? What is Fail fast iterator and fail safe iterator? How Fail fast iterator knows that the internal structure of collection is modified? What is priority query? What is annotations? how to create custom annotation and use it? What is dependency injection? What is use of Junit? What is AOP? Explain its terminology? What is design pattern & why should we use them? Explain different type of design patterns. What is file in Java? What is difference between OOP and AOP? What is difference between  application server and web server? What is difference between SOAP and RESTful web services? What are implicit objects of JSP? How to integrate Hibernate with Spring? What is difference between logical and physical transaction? Explain Memory management in Java. Explain memory management of String in java. What is wait() and notify() methods? Explain JVM architecture? What is String