Thread interview questions

  1. What is difference between Runnable and Thread? What is the best way to create thread?
  2. What is difference between Thread and Process?
  3. Explain sleep, yield and join methods of Thread class.
  4. Why wait, notify and notifyAll methods are defined in Object class but not in Thread class?
  5. Implement Producer and Consumer problem using wait and notify method.
  6. Is it possible to call run method explicitly? Please explain.
  7. Is it possible to overload run method?
  8. How two threads communicate?
  9. What is difference between concurrency and synchronization ?
  10. What is thread stacks?
  11. What is call stack?
  12. What is Daemon thread?
  13. How start() method work in Java?
  14. What is difference between wait() and sleep() in java.


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